厦门市骏锐工贸有限公司是国内一家专业生产砂岩浮雕、锻铜铸铜雕塑,不锈钢雕塑,玻璃钢雕塑、城市环境雕塑、金属雕塑、园林工艺摆设、GRC欧式构件等集研发、设计、生产、销售、安装于一体的装饰艺术的企业。自创立以来本着“以质量求生存、以创新求发展”为经营宗旨!致力于研制新工艺材料,追求经典艺术与现代生活的wm结合。Industry and Trade in Xiamen Rui Chun Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of domestic sandstone relief,锻铜bronze sculpture, stainless steel sculpture, fiberglass sculpture, urban environmental sculpture, metal sculpture, garden setting process, GRC Continental Component such as R & D, design, production , sale, installation in one of the decorative arts business.