沈阳瑞思达轴承有限公司,致力为中国的工业客户引进全球优质产品,提供包括传动及运动控制零部件、液压与气动件及其他工业零部件产品和设备维修服务,同时利升拥有独立开发、设计、销售工业自动化设备和相关机电零部件、仪器仪表及软件,提供自动化系统集成和相关的技术咨询服务。作为gd产品的整合供应商,瑞思达凭借自身对于制造流程和维护要求的深入理解, 有针对性地汇集优质品牌与支持技术。我们充足的产品库存和{gx}的物流管理,使工业客户得以应用全面解决方案,满足客户所需。
Shenyang Total Bearing Co., Ltd. was to link industrial customers in China with premium power transmission products from around the world. As a consolidator of these products, We relies upon a deep understanding of manufacturing processes and maintenance requirements to assemble the right brands and support skills. A ready inventory of components managed with efficient logistics and transportation enables Hoperising customers to obtain and implement the power transmission solutions customers require.