婴幼儿和儿童属于敏感和重点保护人群,加之近年来玩具和儿童用品的召回事件频发, 玩具和婴童用品的安全问题受到了全球的高度关注, 而作为全球{zd0}的玩具和婴童用品的生产基地的中国面临着越来越严重的机遇的挑战。PRT实验室严格按照ISO 17025规定运行, 并取得了UKAS、CNAS、CPSC等认可, 作为全球公认的国际性第三方检测认证机构,有着专业的技术团队为您提供{gx}的解决方案,贴心的销售服务团队为您提供合理的成本,和您一起携手前进。
获得中国CNAS 认可;
英国UKAS 认可的测试实验室
Toys & Juvenile Products
As the biggest toy manufacturing and exporting country, China has been shipping toys to Europeand Northern America. However some of the “made in China” toys were recalled occasionally. Safety issue of toys and Children products are highly concerned around the world. Because the quality of toy directly related to children health, all countries and organizations set up different safety regulations for toys, with frequent updates.
PRT Toys Laboratories have been qualified with CNAS (China National Accreditation Service forConformity Assessment), UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service), and accredited by CPSC(Consumer Product Safety Commission) for CPSIA testing. With experienced professionals and advanced testing equipment, we can provide professional and impartial testing data, reliable one-stop quality service. We assist clients with compliance for international toy markets, whether it is in purchasing of raw materials that meet chemical regulations, designing of products so that they donot pose a physical threat, product testing, or product certification.