专业生产销售:老化房,恒温老化房,高温老化房,烘房,烧机房,可程式恒温恒湿试验箱,高低温交变湿热试验箱,快速温度变化试验箱 冷热冲击试验箱,温湿度振动综合试验箱,无氧化干燥箱系列,老化箱,高温箱,烘箱,电热鼓风干燥箱,老化车,步入式恒温恒湿试验室,无尘车间,LCD/ITO专用烘箱,chamber,burn-in room,aging room,老化柜.生产输送线,老化线,跌落试验机,按键耐磨测试机,生鲜储藏冷库,净化隔离车间,彩钢板办公室规划隔离,施工护栏。
杉野工业设备(深圳)有限公司是一家专业研发、生产和销售:老化试验设备、高低温环境试验设备 、恒温恒湿检 测设备、自动化工业制程设备、超声波清洗设备、生产流水线、喷涂装配线、输送线及生产附属材料的生产型企业 。
杉野工业本着“质量第 一,信誉至上,至诚至信,至善至美”的经营理念,专门为军工电子、光电 显 示技术、微 电子、电力、通 信 技术、石油化工、高等院校、科研、医药医疗、食品加工等行业设计生产及服务整套工业生产及试验设备,我们将以品质优良的产品,合理的价格,优质快捷的售后服务,想客户之所想,为您的产品品质保驾 护 航,与客户并肩前行,共同发展!
Shiny industrial equipment (shenzhen) co., LTD is a professional research and development, production and sales: aging test equipment, high and low temperature environment test equipment, constant temperature and humidity testing equipment, industrial process automation equipment, ultrasonic cleaning equipment, production lines, spray assembly line, transmission line and ancillary materials production of production-oriented enterprises.
Shiny industry in line with \"quality first, credit first, The good faith first, Perfect service\" business philosophy, dedicated to military electronics, photoelectric display technology, microelectronics, power, communications technology, petrochemical industry, institutions of higher learning, scientific research, medicine, medical treatment, food processing and other industries design and manufacture and service of a complete set of industrial production and testing equipment, we will be quality products, reasonable prices, high quality and quick after-sale service, want to think of the client, the escort for your product quality, and family along with customers and common development!