DC Noiseless Super high-efficiency Super Mini Compressor
冷冻冷藏应用领域:Field of Freezer &Refrigerator Application :
1. 直流车载冰箱。 {gx}节能,轻巧易携带。超高的效率为您节省有限的能源。全球sc大排气量独创设计,一样适用大容积冰箱。
DC Car Refrigerator & Freezer
-High efficiency, quite small and light, easy to carry. The strong cooling capacity save you more limited energy and source. The first huge exhausting compressor in the world, also suitable for refrigerator of large volume.
2. 微型速冻饮料机
制冷速度快 安装体积小
Mini Fast-cooling Beverage Freezer
-Fast cooling , fixing space is extremely small.
3. 厨房壁橱迷你小冰箱 储存调味品品等日常餐饮配料小冰箱
Kitchen cabinet Mini Refrigerator.
-Store condiment ,daily food or dining ingredients etc..
4. 微型迷你饮水机小巧的体积能在有限空间的饮水机内部随意安装。超强的制冷动力一定能为您带来凉爽的舒心。35W消耗功率更节能环保
Super Mini Water Dispenser
-The mini compressor can be installed easily in the limited space. The strong cooling capacity will surely brings you with pleasant feel and delight. It is more energy-saving and environment protective with only consumption power of 35W.
5. 冻酒器&分酒器Wine Chiller & Dispenser
-Enjoy the cold wine in sooner time without needing a large compressor fridge.
散热系统应用领域: Field of Heat Emission Application:
1. 太阳能冰箱Solar power Refrigerator
2. 微型冷水机 Mini Water Cooling Machine
3. 电子芯片散热系统 Electronic Chip Heat Emission System
4. 大功率LED散热系统 High Power LED Heat Emission System
5. 激光散热系统 Laser Heat Emission System
6. 医疗设备 Medical Equipment
7. 人体降温制冷系统 Human Body Temperature Low-down & Cooling System.
8. 办公家用微型小空调 Mini Air-conditioner for Home or Office.
9. 通讯基站散热系统 Communication Data Base Heat Emission System