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超级猎聘人才网 广告
Bridal Collectio/Evening Gowns/Mother of the b/Flower Girls
Bridal Collectio/Evening Gowns/Mother of the b/Flower Girls

Bridal Collectio/Evening Gowns/Mother of the b/Flower Girls

Bridal Collectio/Evening Gowns/Mother of the b/Flower Girls 相关信息由 汕头市安亿制衣厂有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 Bridal Collectio/Evening Gowns/Mother of the b/Flower Girls 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.cn/b2b/gdstayzy.html 查看 汕头市安亿制衣厂有限公司 的详细联系方式。



汕头市安亿制衣厂有限公司系香港安亿实业有限公司全资子公司,至今已有逾十五年的婚纱、礼服及服装加工经验;在婚纱礼服生产上,以精湛的手工工艺,将全球{zlx}的设计理念融入每款婚纱和礼服中,用料考究精良来自于世界各地,使婚纱、礼服既质感舒服又尽显华丽高贵。精益求精的品质追求渗透在每个制作过程的细节之中,力求用艺术来诠释时尚。每年上千款的中gd婚纱、礼服的推出赢得了日本和欧美各国顾客的青睐。   而在服装加工上,我们和国际一些zmpp有着长期的友好合作;工艺和品质上得到广大客户的一致好评。我们引进国外先进的生产设备,拥有数百名敬业精神及操作技能俱佳的员工,以及13000平方米的花园式厂房,所有的这些铸就了安亿产品具备优雅风骚的艺术魅力。 http://cardeabridal.cn.alibaba.com http://www.onmilliongarment.com/cn http://www.onmillion.com.hk   我们热忱欢迎世界各国朋友的光临惠顾、洽谈和交流!
详细信息 我也要发布信息到此页面
Onmillion Garment Mfy. Co., Ltd. is the subsidiary company of Hong Kong Onmillion. We have over 15 years of experience in the garment industry for wedding dresses, evening dresses, and garment processing, and have gained a high reputation all over the world. Our professional staff of several hundred uses the most advanced equipment, and our factory premises encompass over 13000 square meters. The materials used on the gowns are carefully chosen from around the world to ensure our customers the highest quality. Our designers are at the forefront of recent worldwide trends and design the most fashionable bridal and evening gowns. Our professional staffs give their incredible attention to all details during our production processes. It is evident in all our final pieces like intricate embroidery and hand patterned beadwork. Each year our company produces thousands of elegant new styles, from simple clean lines to luxuriously hand-beaded gowns. Our workmanship can be seen in every one of our dresses. For garment processing, we have cooperated with international well known brands for a period of time so the operant skills with our workers will not have any difficulties at all.    We welcome customers from all over the world!
郑重声明:产品 【Bridal Collectio/Evening Gowns/Mother of the b/Flower Girls】由 汕头市安亿制衣厂有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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