What is the most hot item in Canton Fair? Multi-fucntional Air Fryer!!
Why market like Air fryer , steaming oven ? Because of the heating element while working will dry the food inside water, and actually the food itself water is SMALL MOLECULES OF WATER! If you do not damage this and food will be good tasty , so people now is using ceramic tubler heater or use air or use steaming , just want to keep food in good tasty, but please remember the heating element itself is tubler, and heating surface is small , and not even temperature , so in order to make pot inside air temp. is even , you have to put vaccum pumb to cycle the air , or you have to sprinkle the moisture to keep food soft and not drying and bad taste if cooking long time without air circluar or staming out, all these will let the unit cost higer! So the best cheaper one is EF Cooker, you just by one hot plate, and any flat bottom cooking ware can be used, you can cook what ever you like and keep food nutrition and good taste, you will threw away all Induction cooker , or electroceramic cooker , or gas cooker, BECAUSE THE ELECTROTHERMAL FILM HEATING ELEMENT IS 85% FAR INFRARED RAY! More information, please visit my website at http://., Thanks!