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Planting agarwood trees can make people rich overnight?

作者:Zhongshan Qinan Agarwood Industry Co., Ltd. 来源:cnqncx 发布时间:2018-07-22 浏览:829
Planting agarwood trees can make people rich overnight?

       Agarwood has a wide range of uses and high economic value. Due to the large amount of excavation of precious agarwood, the afragrant tree was severely damaged, and the natural forest renewal ability was weak. Currently, there are only scattered scattered plants in Guangdong Province, and the national wild resources are almost exhausted. The agarwood tree is listed as a rare and endangered secondary protected plant by the state. Artificial planting forests are rare, domestic agarwood production is seriously insufficient, market demand is expanding, and the contradiction between supply and demand is prominent. According to market research and comprehensive analysis, the annual demand for agarwood in the country is 500,000 kg, which is increasing year by year, and about 80% depends on imports. Due to the decreasing resources and output of agarwood in Southeast Asia, the imported agarwood is expensive and the price is 300,000 to 500,000 yuan/t. The domestic high-quality agarwood market has a transaction price of up to 30,000 yuan/kg. The agarwood resource has a long cycle of regeneration and less planting. The shortage of agarwood market will be difficult to change for a long time, and the market price will also be firm and keep rising. Therefore, the prospect of planting agarwood is broad.

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