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Night bar new favorite, New Longwang hookah

作者:Zhongshan Xinlongwang Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd. 来源:xinlongw 发布时间:2018-06-25 浏览:586
Night bar new favorite, New Longwang hookah

    Arabic hookahs are different from traditional hookahs in China. Originated in India. It was originally smoked through a coconut shell and a bamboo pipe. Mainly popular in Arab countries. Later it became popular in Persia. In the Middle East, especially Turkey and Iran during the Ottoman period, the hookah was once considered a "dance princess and snake"; then it gradually became popular in Arabia. Arabs have developed hookahs to the point where they are at their peak. For Arabs, smoking a hookah is definitely a pleasant enjoyment. Many people have their own hookahs in different places. People who care about things and pay attention to the facts carry silver cigarette holders with them. It is not only a smoking piece, but it is beautiful and beautiful. It is also a beautiful handicraft at home. Arabian hookahs, like alcohol and citrons, are irresistible.
    As the harm of cigarettes to the human body is well known, it is very difficult for smokers to quit smoking. After the Hookah lit, after filtration of the clear water, it can remove most of the harmful substances such as nicotine, which has the effect of sterilization and sterilization. The smoking of arabic fruit smoke paste allows smokers to enjoy the same enjoyment of smoking, but the toxins are reduced to only a few percent of a single cigarette due to the filtration of clear water, and are gradually removed from the poison of nicotine. At the same time, due to the rich aroma of the hookah, the nicotine content pot is extremely low and attracts many female smokers. It is considered to be an elegant and charming fashion product. In particular, now more and more fashion people like the bar nightclub new favorite, smoking hookah has become a new way of spending time as one of leisure and entertainment.
    New Longwang Hookah, a brand with many years of sedimentation, was found in the company's founder Hou Yong to have a chance to contact the hookah, and the hobbyist who had started smoking the hookah became the leader of the hookah manufacturing company, and the product also started from the single product to Now diversified products, the new Longwang people have been working hard to bring the stylish and beautiful hookah to the vast number of consumers, select the hookah to look for new Longwang.

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