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本公司长期专业销售、租赁、维修、计量、回收高频二手仪器 The company's long-term professional sales, leasing, repair, recycling second-hand equipment, high frequency measurement 联系人-陈卫平 手机: 13549336060/13378604435 QQ客服:742002535 阿里旺旺:chenweipin1987 电话: 0769 - 82134961 网站:http://yiqihuishou.ganji.com.cn/xiugai.htm 地址:广东东莞市塘厦镇塘厦第一工业区塘莲街9号 长期高价|回收手机综合测试仪|回收蓝牙测试仪|回收WIFI测试仪|回收频谱分析仪|回收网络分析仪|回收光谱仪及光模块|仪器附件和校准件等...。公司从事二手仪器回收多年,在北京、天津、上海、苏洲、杭洲、青岛、深圳、广洲,东莞等二手行业中享有好的信誉,上门高价回收各类二手仪器! Rapid growth in satellite and wireless communications markets has contributed to the need for improved overall system performance which, in turn, applies pressure to improve the noise figure measurement and performance of subsystems and their components. To do this accurately, it is necessary to understand how a number of variables affect the overall measurement uncertainty. For measurements with an analyzer that measures noise figure, the measurement system contributors typically include: the analyzer itself the noise source the characteristics of the device under test (DUT) These factors interact in a complex way, but the overall measurement uncertainty can be modeled. The purpose of our 'Noise Figure Uncertainty Calculator' is to provide the measurement uncertainty associated with a particular DUT based on its characteristics and the specifications of the measurement system. For the model to be accurate in the Y-factor measurement technique case, the DUT must have reasonable reverse isolation, so that mismatch on one port does not drastically affect the impedance seen at the other port. For a more complete analysis refer to the article "Calculate the Uncertainty of NF Measurements", written by Duncan Boyd, Microwaves & RF October 1999, pp.93-102. 频谱分析仪 HP8560系列: HP8563E,HP8561B,HP8560EC,HP8564E,HP8563EC,HP8560A, HP8560E,HP8561E,HP8562A,HP8562E,HP8565E,HP8565EC, HP8562B,HP8562C,HP8561EC,HP8561A,HP8564EC,HP8562EC, HP8563A,HP8560B HP8590系列: HP8594Q,HP8591A,HP8596E,HP8590D,HP8590A,HP8590E, HP8593E,HP8593EM,HP8591B,HP8591C,HP8594E,HP8594EM, HP8590C,HP8590L,HP8595A,HP8595E,HP8592D,HP8592E, Hp8591E,HP8591EM,HP8594A,HP8594C,HP8596A,HP8596EC, HP8595EM,HP8596EM,HP8592A,HP8592B,HP8593A,HP8593B,HP8592L, 主要特性与技术指标 性能 +/-0.19 dB jd幅度精度 -155 dBm 显示平均噪声电平(DANL) 10 kHz 偏置时的相噪:-118 dBc/Hz 81 dB W-CDMA ACLR 动态范围 分析带宽 标配 10 MHz 分析带宽 可选 40 或 80 MHz 分析带宽,以便捕捉和测量复杂信号 适用于 40 或 80 MHz 分析带宽的 -78 dB(额定值)三阶互调 适用于校准后的 VSA 测量的 300 MHz 分析带宽 灵活性 灵活的平台,包含 16 个可选且易于使用的内置测量专用软件和硬件选件 标配 PowerSuite 一键式功率测量 通用数据分析、可视化、计量自动化的数据fxrj MATLAB。PSA 系列 MATLAB软件 描述 E4445A PSA 高性能频谱分析仪可测量和监测频率高达 13.2 GHz 的复杂射频信号。

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