佛山定制钢格栅板 热镀锌防锈钢格板 广州电厂钢格栅
Foshan customized steel grid plate hot dip galvanized anti rust steel grid plate Guangzhou power plant steel grid
广州出口 机场码头重荷载钢格栅板
Heavy load steel grating of Guangzhou Export airport wharf
It can be used several times as long as the pattern board.
由于钢梯(楼梯踏步板) 采用网格设计所以可以大大减少风阻。
Due to the grid design of the steel ladder (stair treads), the wind resistance can be greatly reduced.
Due to good ventilation, the wind resistance is small in case of strong wind, so as to reduce wind damage
Grid structure to prevent dirt: no rain, snow and dust.