AB 系列 模块,控制器,伺服,电机,触摸屏 PLC系列。
GE 模块,控制器 系列。
施耐德:(140系列)CPU PLC
《QQ :2479261344》
Power Distribution
Assy UniPower PG2233 & 3WPM2 4256A57G01 Enclosed 115VAC 1
Power Distribution
Assy UniPower PG2233 & 3WPM2 4256A57G01 Enclosed 230VAC 1
4D33811G01 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (2GHC6 G01, 3SCPS4 G01, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.0 firmware 2
4D33811G01 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (3GHC12 G01, 3SCPS4 G01, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.0 firmware 3
4D33811G01 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (4GHC3 G01, 3SCPS4 G01, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.0 firmware 2
4D33811G01 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (4GHC3 G01, 3SCPS4 G01, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.3 firmware 4
4D33811G02 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (3GHC20 G03, 3SCPS4 G02, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.3 firmware 6
4D33811G02 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (4GHC3 G03, 3SCPS4 G02, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.3 firmware 11
4D33811G02 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (4GHC3 G03, 3SCPS4 G02, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.4 firmware 20
4D33811G02 GHC Enclosure
DT Hwy Controller Enclosure (4GHC7 G03, 3SCPS4 G02, &
2SGI6 G02 cards) w/ SHC 2.4 firmware 1
4D33816G01 VME Sun Sparc VME Board (3A99732H03 Motherboard) 7
4D33816G03 VME Sun Sparc VME Board (3A99732H03 Motherboard) 1
4D33816G04 VME Sun Sparc VME Board (3A99732H03 Motherboard) 4
4D33864G01 Power Supply Power Supply Chassis for 2ea Plug-in I/O Power Supply Assy 2
4D33865G01 Power Supply
Plug-in 24V DC I/O P/S Assy - 1 Output w/ 2IOPS16
3A99254G01 - 115/230VAC 0
4D33865G02 Power Supply Plug-in 48V DC I/O P/S Assy - 1 Output 0
4D33865G03 Power Supply
Plug-in 24V DC I/O P/S Assy - 2 Output w/ 4IOPS3 3A99254G03
- 115/230VAC 2
4D33865G04 Power Supply Plug-in 24/48V DC I/O P/S Assy 1 Output 0
4D33865G05 Power Supply Plug-in 48V DC I/O P/S Assy 2 Output 0
4D33865G06 Power Supply Plug-in 24V DC I/O P/S Assy 1 Output 115/230VDC 0
4D33888G01 Panel Ovation AC Distribution Center Panel 2
4D33900G19 Power Supply Ovation DIN RAIL Power Supply Assy 2
4D33913G01 Power Supply Plug-in 13V DC I/O Power Supply Assy - DAPS - w/ AC Input 2
4D33913G02 Power Supply
Plug-in 13/24V DC I/O Power Supply Assy - DAPS - w/ AC
Input 6
4D33913G03 Power Supply
Plug-in 13/48V DC I/O Power Supply Assy - DAPS - w/ AC
Input 0
4D33913G04 Power Supply Plug-in 13V DC I/O Power Supply Assy - DAPS - w/ DC Input 16
4D33913G05 Power Supply
Plug-in 13/24V DC I/O Power Supply Assy - DAPS - w/ DC
Input 1
4D33913G06 Power Supply
Plug-in 13/48V DC I/O Power Supply Assy - DAPS - w/ DC
Input 0
4D33914G02 Rack Assy I/O Power Supply Rack Assy 4
4D33914G03 Rack Assy I/O Power Supply Rack Assy 1
4D33914G05 Rack Assy I/O Power Supply Rack Assy 2
4D33915G02 Chassis WEStation 486 Processor DPU Cabinet Assy 6
4D33916G01 Power Supply
Multibus P/S MPS512-DC Plug-in P/S 486 WS DPU w/
3A99220G01 MEPS card 73
4D33922G01 Panel Ovation Panel Assy Enclosure for 3A99199G01 backplane 1
4D33935H01 Keyboard Ovation Mylar Operator Keyboard 7
4D33942G01 Controller Ovation Controller (Chassis/Metalwork/Fan) 2
4D33945G01 Controller Ovation Controller (Chassis/Metalwork/Fan) 2
5870C46G02 Cabinet Ovation Cabinet (Hoffman) 1
599C39G05-8 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Right 14
599C39G06-8 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Left 14
599C39G08-8 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly 6
10 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Right XMTR Pwr (6 fused) 10
10 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Left XMTR Pwr (6 fused) 8
599C41G03-9 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Right (8 fused) 4
599C41G04-9 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Left (8 fused) 8
599C42G01 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Right (single fused) 8
599C42G02 Halfshell Extension Halfshell Extension Assembly - Left (single fused) 8
3 Cable 9pin serial ribbon cable (attached to QVP) 4
5A22411H01 Module Ovation Relay Module 16 Channel G2R Relay Panel 10A 2
5A23251G09 Cabinet 486 WEStation DPU Cabinet Assy (sticker on top) 1
5A23307H15 Sun Workstation
Sparc5 built to your spec - all processors/options avail - w/
SGI 27
5A26129G01 Cable Dual AC Power Cord Cable 5
5A26137G01 Cable Ovation Cable 1
5A26137G03 Cable Ovation Cable 1
5A26137G04 Cable Ovation Cable 1
5A26141G05 Cable Ovation Cable 1
5A26144G03 Cable Ground Cable 1
5A26148G14 Cable Ovation Cable 1
5A26158G01 Cable DC Power Cable 10
5A26391H03 CPU Board PF5133HX/512 WH3M MMX CPU Board 2
5A26397G02 GHC Kit GHC Enclosure, PGI comm card, and interface cable 10
5A26421G01 Monitor 21/20" Mitsubishi DS200 CRT (20.1" LCD replacement) 5
5A26430H04 Floppy Drive 370-3159 Internal 3.5" Floppy Drive for Ultra 5/10 5
5A26430H11 CD ROM 370-3694 Internal 32x CD-ROM for Ultra 5/10 5
5A26430H12 Hard Drive 370-3693 Internal 9.0GB Hard Drive for Ultra 5/10 5
5A26430H13 Memory 370-3796 32mb Memory Ultra 5/10 5
5A26430H14 Memory 370-3797 64mb Memory Ultra 5/10 5
5A26430H15 Memory 370-3798 128mb Memory Ultra 5/10 5
5A26430H20 Drive Internal 20GB drive Ultra5/10 3
5A26431G05 Ultra 10 Ultra10 (configured to customer spec w/ or w/o PGI) 5
5A26432H02 NIC Card 501-2741 NIC card for Ultra5 on Ovation 5
5A26433H01 PCI PCI Bus SCSI Adapter 8
5A26434H01 Graphics PCI PGX Graphics Card 3
5A26438G01 Printer HP 5000 LaserJet Printer 3
5A26477G01 Printer, HP 2500CM Color InkJet Printer 3
5A26481G01 Cable PCQL to Q-line Adapter ribbon cable 6
5A26499G01 Monitor
22/20" Mitsubishi DiamondScan 200+ CRT (20.1" LCD
replacement solution) 5
5A28137G04 Cable Cable 1
5D32022G01 Panel Cluster Tap Panel Hwy Trans sub assys in Cluster Tap Panel 2
5D32024G01 RTP Assy RTP Bracket Assy w/ 4256A08G02 3RTP6 8
5D32025G04 Ethernet TAP Ethernet TAP 4
5D32035G02 Panel Cluster TAP Panel w/ 1ea 4256A08G02 3RTP6 card 1
5D32046G02 Drive VME Hard Drive Assy w/ 1.3GB Disk 2
5D32052G01 VME Assy VME Assy MMI Kit Assy w/ SHC card 2
5D32052G05 VME Frame WEStation Std 3A99678G21 2
5D32078G03 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 3
5D32078G04 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 7
5D32078G07 CPU Adpater Solflower SF VME-300 1
5D32083G02 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy w/ 2ea 2GB drives 0
5D32083G04 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy w/ 2ea 4GB Seagate ST15150N drives 1
5D32083G05 Drive Assy
VME Disk Assy WDE 4360, Seagate ST12400N, and Exabyte
5D32046G02 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy 1.3GB Disk Assy (w/ Fugitsu drive) 4
5D32046G08 Drive Assy VME Disk Assy 1.3GB Disk Assy (w/ Quantum 1225S drive) 3
5D32046G09 Drive Assy
VME Disk Assy 5.2GB Disk Assy (w/ 4ea Quantum 1225S
drives) 1
5D32052G01 VME Card Cage VME Card Frame (on inside, side of chassis) 4
5D32052G05 VME Card Cage VME Card Frame (on inside, side of chassis) 3
5D32114G01 Chassis Dual card racks of 386 WEStation DPU 18
5D32115G01 Cabinet I/O Quad Cabinet - 486 WEStation DPU 4
5D32122G02 Chassis
Top bar w/ cables on 386 WEStation DPU (on 5D32114G01
Chassis) 22
5D32123G01 Panel AC/DC Power Distribution Panel 3
5D32123G02 Panel AC/DC Power Distribution Panel 10
5D32123G03 Panel AC/DC Power Distribution Panel 1
5D32149G01 Chassis 486 WEStation DPU card cage 34
5D32161G01 Chassis 486 WEStation DPU chassis assy 28
5D32161G02 Chassis 486 WEStation DPU chassis assy 20
5D32191G01 Power Supply
MultiBus P/S MPS512-PFC for 486 WS DPU w/ 3A99116G01
MDPS 115VAC 85
5D32191G02 Power Supply
MultiBus P/S MPS512-PFC for 486 WS DPU w/ 3A99116G01
MDPS 230VAC 74
5D92481G06 Power Supply HC Power Inc HS1244-C1353 0
5D92830G01 Relay Panel Form C, KUEP, 16 fuses (for H/S assembly) 8
5D92848G01 Transceiver
Ethernet 10Mbit/sec Transceiver unit (MAU) - Ethernet Tap
Bracket Assy 20
5X00006H12 Cartridge Travan 20GB Tape Cartridge 3
5X00058G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00059G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Input Module 1
5X00062G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00063G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00082H12 Cartridge Sony 1/2 Data Cartridge 4
5X00105G01 Board Ovation Control Board 2
5X00117H02 Keyboard SUN UNIX (US) Type 6 Keyboard and Mouse 5
5X00117H03 Keyboard SUN USB Type 6 Keyboard and Mouse 5
5X00117H04 Memory 256MB DRAM Expansion For Sun Blade 100 5
5X00117H06 Drive Hard Disk 20GB EIDE for Sun Blade 100 5
5X00128G01 Monitor 22/20" NEC CRT (20.1" LCD replacement solution) 5
5X00134G01 Sun Workstation
SUN Microsystems Blade 100 (configured to customer spec w/
or w/o PGI) 5
5X00134G02 Sun Workstation
SUN Microsystems Blade 150 (configured to customer spec w/
or w/o PGI) 5
5X00178G01 Monitor 20.1" LCD Monitor 5
1P00049G01 2QOL QOL G01 card 2
5X00286H13 Mouse 2-button Optical corded USB mouse 1
5X00290G01 Monitor 21/20" NEC CRT (20.1" LCD replacement solution) 5
7379A06G82 2QCI13 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 3QCI1 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 3QCI3 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 4QCI2 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 42
7379A06G02 4QCI3 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 2
7379A06G02 4QCI4 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 15
3A99160G02 6QCI1 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 114
7379A13G01 QPA QPA G01 Pulse Accumulator card 0
7379A13G04 6QPA8 QPA G04 Pulse Accumulator card 48V sub Y 4
7379A21G01 5QAV4 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5QAV9 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5QAV14 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G01 5QAV19 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 10
7379A21G01 6QAV16 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
3A99164G01 8QAV1 QAV G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
7379A21G02 5QAV20 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 4
7379A21G02 6QAV12 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 18
7379A21G02 6QAV17 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 33
3A99164G02 8QAV2 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 75
3A99164G50 8QAV4 QAV G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G03 5QAV21 QAV G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 1
3A99164G50 8QAV4 QAV G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 0
7379A28G02 4QAM6
QAM G02 Auto/Manual Stn Ctrlr card - 0 to +20mA, 0 to +5VDC
(output) 2
7379A28G02 4QAM7
QAM G02 Auto/Manual Stn Ctrlr card - 0 to +20mA, 0 to +5VDC
(output) 2
7379A29G01 3QDT1 QDT Diagnostic Test card 7
7379A29G01 3QDT1 QDT Diagnostic Test card w/ 4256A36G01 1QDTD1 daughter 3
7379A31G01 3QAW5 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 3
7379A31G01 5QAW7 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 1
/ 6QAW13 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 0
7379A31G02 7QAW2 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 1
7379A31G02 7QAW9 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 11
7379A31G02 7QAW15 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 3
3A99165G02 9QAW18 / 22 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 4
3A99165G50 9QAW26 / 30 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 3
3A99165G50 9QAW30 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 2
7379A31G03 5QAW15 QAW G03 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +10VDC 2
7379A31G03 7QAW3 QAW G03 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +10VDC 1
3A99165G50 9QAW19 / 22
QAW G03 Analog High-Level IP card - 0 to +10VDC w/ 6ea
4QAXD6 G06 2
3A99165G50 9QAW27 / 30
QAW G03 Analog High-Level IP card - 0 to +10VDC w/ 6ea
4QAXD6 G06 2
7379A31G04 3QAW8 QAW G04