戒指-钻石介指 相关信息由 广州市番禺区沙头街恒宝首饰厂提供。如需了解更详细的 戒指-钻石介指 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.cn/b2b/hbss.html 查看 广州市番禺区沙头街恒宝首饰厂 的详细联系方式。
本公司上下信奉“没有品质就没有明天” 为信条,实行品质管制;经营上奉行“质量与效益”的原则。并以“忠诚、整洁、质优、效率”的准则来训导员工。由始而终贯彻“主动、快捷、灵活、负责”的客户至上精神,精益求精,一丝不苟,精心打造每一件产品是我们的光荣使命,为客户提供最精美的产品。
地 址:中国广东省广州市番禺区市桥镇大罗塘工业区银平路11号后座综合楼6楼
电 话:(020)84805831
E-mail: hengli-318@163.com
Hengbao Jewellery LTD was established many years, our company has a standardize factory and has a well-trained technician's troops. no
Our company manufactures fine, high-end jewelry chiefly in platinum、karat gold、silver and copper using diamonds, gemstones and pearl. We process various kinds of jewelry for worldwide jewelry manufacturers. We are enjoying a good reputation of high quality with competitive price and prompt delivery.
In our company, every one trusts that there is no will where is no quality, so we determined to practice quality management. And we propose the spirit of initiative, prompt, flexible and responsible in our company all time.
Welcome to visit our company.
Address: No.11 of Yinping Road, Da Luo Tang Industry District, Shiqiao Town, Panyu Area, Guangzhou City Guangdong Province, China.
E-mail: hengli-318@163.com