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BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯 厂用仓库灯 防爆灯报价
BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯 厂用仓库灯 防爆灯报价

BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯 厂用仓库灯 防爆灯报价

BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯 厂用仓库灯 防爆灯报价 相关信息由 宜兴市华宏电器有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯 厂用仓库灯 防爆灯报价 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.cn/b2b/huahong003.html 查看 宜兴市华宏电器有限公司 的详细联系方式。








   Yixing Huahong Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise engaged in development,manufacturing with the sale of the explosion-proof lightings, explosion-proof electric appliance and industrial lightingproducts. Its dominant products are LED maintenance-free series products, which can fully meet the requirements of energy saving and emission reduction and advocating the low-carbon life, may be in free-maintenance service all the

year round in the guarantee period, and promotes the development of energy saving and emission reduction. In addition,Huahong products have been widely used in the fields such as the petrol, petrochemical, coal mine, electric power,railway, metallurgy, ship, fire control, workshop, port, stadium and so on.

   Embracing the operation tenet of "honesty orientation, quality first" and insisting on the principle of customer satisfaction, the company has established the perfect sales service network and increased the input of technology, to meet the customers' requirements and provide the high-efficiency, particular, overall and professional service.

   Based on the domestic and foreign advanced technology and workmanship and ensured by the introduced automated equipment, the product has the excellent potential values in the production process with the intelligent mature technology and the most outstanding manufacturing tools. Therefore, the company's strong strength and success foundation has been formed, and, the products are enjoyed by the each engineering company, petrochemical, medicine and electric power.  

   The company will continue to adhere to the enterprise development policy of "making innovation, scientific development,top quality & high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection", to strive for a comprehensive modern leading enterprise with the strong competitive power.


详细信息 我也要发布信息到此页面

很荣幸为您推荐 LED防爆泛光灯,LED防爆泛光灯是宜兴市华宏电器制造有限公司的重点产品之一,如果您有什么需求或建议的话请联系我们,电话150615969280510-80382992。公司具有良好的市场信誉,专业的销售和技术服务团队。


宜兴市华宏电器制造有限公司是一家专业生产LED防爆泛光灯,LED防爆路灯,防爆LED灯,防爆泛光灯的民营企业。有几十个系列,上百个品种规格的产品。 是目前国内行业中专业较强的企业之。led防爆灯已通过防爆认证 质量保证 安全可靠 价格实惠。提供多种型号的防爆LED泛光灯,厂家直接供货价格优势明显,本公司提供的防爆LED泛光灯质量过硬,价格优惠。想找更多防爆LED泛光灯的价格请联系我。



寻找LED防爆灯具、LED泛光灯、LED探照灯、LED防爆泛光灯LED防爆投光灯、LED投光灯、LED防爆探照灯生产厂家。http://www.jsfb-点击进入厂商官。感谢您查看BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯产品信息,欢迎与本公司真诚合作,本公司产品严格按照ISO9001标准进行质量控制,产品实行5年保。


为您提供宜兴市华宏电器制造有限公司相关的公司及产品信息介绍,囊括了BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯批发价格、厂家、图片、型号等参数。名词解释中文名称:防爆LED泛光灯 英文名:Explosion-proof LED 所属型号:BAD808-E 防爆LED泛光灯是一种在泛光灯基础上增加防爆功能的LED 灯具;它的照射范围可以任意调整并且光线协调均。简单介绍 LED隔爆型泛光灯(BAD808-E)采用高LED发光二极管做照明光源,具有使用寿命长,安全性能好,亮度高,功耗小,工作温度低,使用电压宽,免维护等特。

郑重声明:产品 【BAD808-E LED防爆泛光灯 厂用仓库灯 防爆灯报价】由 宜兴市华宏电器有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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