深圳旺鸿达润滑油贸易有限公司,TOTAL PLANETELF ACD 150FY,克鲁勃CONSTANT GL 2000,TOTAL(道尔尔)润滑油授权代理商,热线:0755-29675629,13662610386,详情浏览: 产品介绍: 旺鸿达润滑油(深圳)有限公司,是一家最早在香港成立的润滑油公司,自九六年大陆设有分公司以来,国内外zmpp润滑油公司纷纷与我公司精诚合作,先后得到壳牌、美孚、埃索、嘉实多,BP,道达尔等品牌润滑油代理权。业务范围已从公司成立之初的珠三角地区扩展到全国各大中小城市. Application AIRPRESS oils can be used for pneumatic systems, e.g. compressed air appliances, air systems in weaving machines, air tubes and for extending the service life of friction points like cylinders, valves and tappets. These oils are also suitable for the lubrication of spiral cutters removing lint from textiles and for chains or guides. AIRPRESS oils can be used for applications subject to high air humidity and or weak vapors of alkaline and acid solutions. 旺鸿达润滑油(深圳)有限公司,