开心精灵生态科技(北京)有限公司举手投足。开心花园与普通的盆盆罐罐花花草草不同,是一种崭新的现代盆景。快餐式包装、植物专家调配的全营养仿生土壤,植物的整个生长过程都能展现在你的面前。只需浇水,养殖方便、干净、轻松,没有养花经验的人也成高手。各种奇花异草品种繁多,小孩、学生、青年、老人都喜欢,情侣礼品、家庭装饰、办公场所都用得上。绿草茵茵的青草、娇嫩欲滴的小花、手指粗细的黄瓜、弹丸似的番茄、网球大的茄子等。给你的生活注入田园般的气息,让你的身心处于趣味与惬意之中。Happy Garden with ordinary flowers and plants in different pots, is a new modern bonsai. Fast-food packaging, the entire plant nutrition expert deployment of bionic soil, plants can show the whole growth process in front of you. Just water, aquaculture convenient, clean, easy, no gardening experience, people become master. Wide variety of various flowers and herbs, children, students, youth, elderly people are like, couple gifts, home decor, office space all need them. Green lawn grass, delicate flowers dripping fingers cucumber thickness, projectile-like tomato, eggplant and other big tennis. Your life into the idyllic atmosphere, so that your mind and body are among the fun and relaxation.