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kenthe supply Panasonic KME Panasert M9 Type Feeder
kenthe supply Panasonic KME Panasert M9 Type Feeder

kenthe supply Panasonic KME Panasert M9 Type Feeder

kenthe supply Panasonic KME Panasert M9 Type Feeder 相关信息由 珠海市锦河贸易发展有限公司提供。如需了解更详细的 kenthe supply Panasonic KME Panasert M9 Type Feeder 的信息,请点击 https://www.qiyeku.cn/b2b/kingriver629.html 查看 珠海市锦河贸易发展有限公司 的详细联系方式。



详细信息 我也要发布信息到此页面
1)Panasonic KME Panasert CM120-MU CM20F-M CM201 CM202 CM301 Electronic Component Mounting Equipment M9 Type Feeder 16x4MM Emboss Tape Feeder 1P Large Reel M9D1CVM0000 2)Panasonic KME Panasert SMD SMT Component Feeder. 3)Part Name: M9 Type Feeder. 4)Part Number: M9D1CVM0000 5)Specifications: 16x4MM Emboss Tape Feeder 1P Large Reel. For Panasonic KME Panasert CM120-MU CM20F-M CM201 CM202 CM301 Electronic Component Mounting Equipment. 6)We offer Panasonic KME Panasert CM120-MU CM20F-M CM201 CM202 CM301 Electronic Component Mounting Equipment M9 Type Feeder 16x4MM Emboss Tape Feeder 1P Large Reel M9D1CVM0000.Please contact us on sw@ We will offer you the best serivce and better price. 7) Panasonic/KME/Panasert CM120-MU CM20F-M CM201 CM202 CM301 M9 Type Single Tape Feeder No. Part No. Unit Name / Part Name 1 M9A1CSM0000 8mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Emboss.W8*1P.Wide. Small Reel 2 M9A1CVM0000 8mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W8*1P.Wide. Large Reel 3 M9A1NSM0000 8mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W8*1P.Small Reel 4 M9A1NVM0000 8mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W8*1P.Large Reel 5 M9A5NSM0000 8mm x 2mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W8*0.5P.Small Reel 6 M9A5NVM0000 8mm x 2mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W8*0.5P.Large Reel 7 M9B1CSM0000 8mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Paper. W8*1P. Small Reel 8 M9B1CVM0000 8mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Paper. W8*1P. Large Reel 9 M9B5CSM0000 8mm x 2mm Tape Feeder. Paper. W8*0.5P.Small Reel 10 M9B5CVM0000 8mm x 2mm Tape Feeder. Paper. W8*0.5P.Large Reel 11 M9C1CSM0000 12mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W12*1P.Small Reel 12 M9C1CVM0000 12mm x 4mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W12*1P.Large Reel 13 M9C1NSM0000 12mm x 4mm Tape feeder. plastic W12*1P.small reel 14 M9C1NVM0000 12mm x 4mm Tape feeder. plastic W12*1P.eglar reel 15 M9C2CSM0000 12mm x 8mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W12*2P.Small Reel 16 M9C2CVM0000 12mm x 8mm Tape Feeder. Emboss. W12*2P.Large Reel 17 M9C2NSM0000 12mm x 8mm Tape feeder. plastic W12*2P. small reel 18 M9C2NVM0000 12mm x 8mm Tape feede
郑重声明:产品 【kenthe supply Panasonic KME Panasert M9 Type Feeder】由 珠海市锦河贸易发展有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库www.qiyeku.cn)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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