●石家庄祖康食品有限公司是一家集研发、制造、销售以及售后服务于一体的集团企业。公司拥有工厂占地面积12000平方米,厂房建筑面积8500平方米。主要生产"德美林"牌固体饮料系列有10多个品种。 Zu Kang Food Co.Ltd.(ZKFCL)is a group company specialized in more than 10kinds of powdered soft drink productsunder the private brand of "De Mei Lin".In light of the national policies ZKFCL has gradually shaped a comprehensive business system which integrates research and development ,processing, marketing and after-sales service. The company covers more than areas of 12,000 square meters in factory layout and more than 8,500 square meters in industry building. ●公司主要产品有冰激淋粉、咖啡粉、奶茶粉、爆米花粉等固体饮料。 The principle products of ZKFCL are soft drink of powdered ice cream,coffee,milky tea, and popcorn and so on. ●公司以专业的研发团队、高科技的管理人才、生产出具有科技含量的适销产品,目前我公司产品畅销全国各大、中城市。 As an innovative company, ZKFCL established high tech innovate and production platforms, employed Professional R$D team and management personnel. Currently the products of ZKFCL are actively demand by the cities of Chinese market. ●我公司奉行:"锐意进取、精益求精、信守诺言、探索求新"的理念,使双方互赢互助的合作更进一步。我们迈着充满希望和坚定的步伐走向神州、走向世界! ZKFCL follow the philosophy of forgiving ahead with determination,making perfection more perfect, honoringour commitments and seeking continuous innovation to strengthen the win-win corporation with all sides and stride out steadfast to the Great Divine Land of China and all over the World. ●祖康人正在精心构筑健康人生、创幸福企业、造自然食品。 Now Zu Kang people are elaborately building healthy life,creating happy business and producing natural food.